Now that Samsung's Android based smartphones are outselling Apple's iPhone in many markets around the world, the latest must have phone is Samsung's recently announced galaxy S-III. The S-III sports 1.0 GHz quad core processor, up to 64 GB of onboard storage, expandable up to 128 GB and 1 GB of Ram, and 8 megapixel camera. The Galaxy S-III ships with Android 4.0 preinstalled. The vast majority of American cellular subscribers will have access to the Galaxy S-III, Samsung having distribution deals with both AT&T and Verizon.
With all the early enthusiasm comes the usual questions on this side of the 49th parallel such as when will it come to Canada? Which carrier will distribute the S-III? The leading rumour that supposedly coming from Samsung is summer of 2012, which carrier(s) is not yet known.
The Galaxy S-III being an LTE device will be compatible with Rogers, Telus and Bell in certain areas where the carriers offer LTE service. Subscribers on Canada's regional carriers MTS and Sasktel will miss out, since Neither MTS or Sasktel have LTE yet. MTS will not be launching LTE until 2014 and Sasktel won't have LTE until 2015 or later.
Since LTE is a standard across all carriers there is no reason that all three can't offer the S-III at the same time. The exclusivity agreements that handset makers now last about six months now. The most likely situation would be one carrier will launch the S-III in the summer and then another if not the other two big national cellular carriers will get it at the end of the year.
Bell having sold a lot of Samsung handsets over year would make them the most likely to get the he S-III first, Telus would follow since they really need a real popular high end smartphone for their lineup. Rogers may also pick up up the Galaxy S-III as well. The days of popular must have smartphones that got people to switch cellular providers are well past, but given the early popularity that Samsung's Galaxy S-III has already earned, it will be deja view all over again.
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